Given the millions of automobiles on the roads each day, your potential market for a car wash business is enormous. But how do you tap into that market and bring in enough cars to turn a nice profit? Here are some basic car wash marketing strategies to consider.
Select the Right Location
This point applies to car wash businesses just like it applies to almost every other kind of venture. Location matters, and you’ll want to think carefully about where you’ll set up shop before you go any further. A good car wash location not only has a lot of traffic pass by each day, but it is also easy to get in and out of during high traffic times.
Engage with the Community
Car washes are, by nature, a local business. You aren’t competing with businesses in other states or countries, but rather with the other car washes in your immediate area. So, to stand out from the pack, it’s vital to engage with the community and build relationships. One great way to get involved is by offering to host carwash fundraisers at your facility. By sharing the profits with the group or organization raising funds, you can bring in many customers who would not have come to see you otherwise.
Partner with Other Businesses
Partnering with other businesses is a classic approach for cash wash locations, and it has been used for years because it works so well. Reach out to other area businesses and work together to offer discounts or freebies to customers. For example, you might sell discounted car washes to a service provider in your area, and that business can give those away for free as a bonus to their clients. Whatever the arrangement may be, these partnerships can help everyone reach a bigger audience.